Monday, October 21, 2013

Government Shutdown & Debt Ceiling

During this government shutdown, President Obama did not act very aggressively. He left all of the responsibilities to Speaker Boehner. The speaker was willing to negotiate from day one of the shutdown. It was not until the debt ceiling got closer, did the president decide to talk to the speaker. However when the president addressed the media he said the same thing as the speaker, which was pointing fingers and saying that one of them are waiting for the other to start to negotiate and that they are both ready. The president is the president and if he was passionate about introducing the affordable care act than he wouldn't of been waiting for the speaker. However both sides can be argued, people will say, "If the speaker was so passionate about defunding the affordable care act than he should have taken action.". I just think that the president should take action because he is going to be the one remembered for this shutdown, people are not going to remember the speaker.

While  in the processes of coming to an agreement, Senator Ted Cruz decided that it was his obligation to chime in and speak for over 21 hours. His lecture's main point was dufunding Obamocare, however one would not know this by listening to his lecture. in his lecture he references green eggs and ham, the Nazis, milk in breast, and many more inappropriate topics. Senator Cruz is a senator witch means that he should be able to voice his opinions, but not in such an inappropriate and time wasting way. Senator Cruz spoke for over 21 hours. A lot more productive things can happen in 21 hours.

The agreement that the House, Senate, and the President came to was postpone the debt ceiling to February 7th. This agreement does not do anything aside from give more time to negotiate, and negotiating now a days is the President waiting until the 7th gets closer and the postponing again. The President, House and Senate are not going to agree on anything until Obama opens up to negotiate, the speaker is ready. There are not only two options here, we can agree on something that satisfies both parties, we can take what is most important to both parties and come to an agreement that can involve the two parties main points. Easier said than done, but negotiating would be a good start.


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